

Invest in Kenya

Kenya is among the most advanced economies in East and Central Africa and is ranked the 4th largest economy in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is the land of unlimited possibilities and its strong growth prospects are supported by an emerging middle class and an increasing appetite for high-value good and services.

Kenya has one of the highest rate of internet access in the continent, with 72% (approximately 32 Million) of its population having internet access making it ideal for investment on internet driven and knowledge economy.

Kenya is a member of trade arrangements and a beneficiary of trade promotion schemes that include Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), World Trade Organization, and EAC-EU Trade Agreement. It is also a member of East Africa Community (EAC), Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) & Southern Africa Development Cooperation (SADC) regional bloc that will soon be a Tripartite Free Trade Area (FTA) cooperation creating a potential market of over 600 million people.

Kenya’s investment climate is the strongest in the EAC, with Foreign Director Investment (FDI) flowing in from emerging and developed markets and a high number of multinational companies with regional and continent-wide presence. Having their headquarters in the country.

Kenya is the dominant economy in the East Africa Community (EAC), contributing approximately 50% of the region’s GDP. Furthermore, Kenya is centrally located within the EAC and provides investors access to a wider consumer market of up to 400m people in the EAC/COMESA region.

Key Sectors and Opportunities for investment

Kenyan coffee is ranked among the five best in the world. It is world-renowned for their rich body, high acidity, intense flavor, and delightful aroma. Kenyan coffee is known for its black currant berry notes. Black current is a flavor that is distinct to Kenyan beans, and one of the reasons a cup of coffee from Kenya tastes so unique.
For more information on Kenyan coffee
  • Coffee Directorate
  • Nairobi coffee Exchange

  • ii.Tea
    Kenya produces tea year round with minimal seasonal variations in quantity owing to its location along the equator. Kenyan tea is renowned world-wide for its quality and safety due to adherence to the industry adherence to good agricultural practices (no pesticides or agro-chemicals); selection of high quality varieties and skilful processing practices. The tea industry makes an important contribution to the Kenyan economy. Tea is among leading foreign exchange earner contributing about 23% of total foreign exchange earnings and 2% of the Agricultural GDP.

    Kenya offers different varities of mainstream teas and specialities teas like:
    i.Black Tea
    ii.Green Tea
    iii.White Tea
    iv.Purple Tea
    -Purple tea is high in antioxidants and anthocyanins. Anthocyanin has many medicinal properties and is known to be beneficial against cardiovascular diseases. These anti-oxidants are known to provide anti-cancer benefits, improve vision, and aid in cholesterol and blood sugar metabolism. Purple tea caffeine content is lower than that of black or green tea.

    For more information on Kenyan tea
  • Tea Directorate
  • Tea Board of Kenya
  • Kenya Tea Development Agency (KTDA)
  • Kenya Tea Growers Association
  • East African Tea Trade Association

  • iii.Flowers
    The Kenyan flower industry is one of the largest in the world.It is rated the 4th largest flower exporter by value and volume. Kenya’s flowers are currently sold in more than 60 countries worldwide with most of the flowers being sold in European countries, United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia. Kenya floriculture sector has been driven by an ideal climate to meet the market demand for all year round availability
    For more information on Kenyan Flower industry
  • Horticultural Crops Directorate
  • Kenya Flower Council

  • iv.Nuts
    The nuts and oil crops in Kenya include Coconut, Cashewnuts, Macadamia oil, Castor Oil palm, Sunflower, Sesame, Canola, Peanuts, Bambara nuts, Safflower, Jojoba, linseed (flax seed).
    The nuts and Oil Crops subsector is important as a source of raw and processed nuts,processed edible oil, animal feed, and industrial oil.
    For more information on Kenya’s Nuts and Oils Industry
  • Nuts and Oil Crops Directorate

  • Manufacturing is key sector in Kenya’s economic development.Opportunities in this sector, including agro-processing, garments, the assembly of automotive components and electronics, plastics, paper, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, metals and engineering products.
    For more information on Manufacturing in Kenya
  • Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPROBA)
  • Special Economic Zones
  • Export Processing Zones
  • Kenya Association of Manufactures
  • Kenya is home to awe-inspiring, and magical travel experiences.
    Check out MagicalKenya.

    Energy is one of the key enablers of Kenya’s development programs.
  • Ministry of Energy
  • Ministry of Petroleum and Mining
  • Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA)

  • Kenya is the regional leader in ICT in East and Central Africa and considered as one of thee top innovation hubs in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Ministry of Information, Communications and The Digital Economy
  • Kenya ICT Authority
  • Konza Technopolis

  • The Kenyan government is actively working to improve and expand infrastructure networks, domestically and across East Africa to improve trade flows in the region.
  • Roads and Transport Kenya
  • Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (LAPSSET)

  • With a fast growing population, and increasing demand for affordable housing, opportunities exist in the construction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
  • State Department of Housing and Urban Development
  • National Construction Authority
  • Affordable Housing Program
  • Useful Links

  • Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry
  • National Treasury and Economic Planning
  • Kenya Revenue Authority
  • Invest in Kenya
  • Kenya Vision 2030
  • Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA)
  • Kenya Private Sector Alliance
  • Kenya Trade Network Agency (KENTRADE)
  • Kenya National Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI)
  • Contact Us


    38,Hoenamuro 44-gil Yongsan-gu,
    Seoul, Korea (04346)
    (Next to Kenya Kiambu Coffee)
    (Opposite Grand Hyatt Seoul)

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    14:00hrs - 17:00hrs


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    Consular Hours:

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